13 November 2010

Hammer Time

Let me just qualify this post by saying hubby and I have a great relationship. We get on really well most of the time. Sometimes we're like dogs with bones though and neither of us are prepared to budge an inch. Classic example, let me just recount today's events to you....

Picture the scene, me in Just Jeans trying on some jeans (for my Christmas present) and deciding to send photos by iPhone to get a valued opinion before purchasing. (aahh the beauty of modern technology!)

I call Mark for the verdict and also happen to mention I'm planning to buy another pair of what I would probably now call 'knickerbockers'. After this was meant with a blank 'huh' I tried to describe them further by comparing them as being similar to someone else's pants that we know. We end the phone conversation and having FALLEN IN LOVE with these pants, I walk out of the shop pretty happy.

I got back to work and so it began....

My email to him:

Subject: Thanks for bearing with....

Mission accomplished. I'll ask M&D for some money towards today's purchases as well as you for Christmas, jeans were on sale (yay) for $xx and other pants were $xx.

Reply from hubby:

So you didn't get my text then?

I dig my phone out of my handbag and read the text message which had been sent whilst I was still in the shop:

Please don't buy the other pants. Honestly I think they look crap. Everytime I've seen someone wearing them I've thought how terrible they look. Think about it please. M

My email reply:

Obviously I didn't get that text......

His reply:

I'll stand by what I said, I think they look terrible. I will see what they are like on you, but I class myself as a good judge of fashion. M

p.s. Even the lady who got out of the car before us at daycare had some on and she looked terrible.

My email:

They don't look anything like what that lady had on...reserve judgement please....


As I said I will, but not impressed, especially at $xx. Wow.


If I only ever bought everything you 100% liked and consulted you on I may not have bought half the things I've had in my wardrobe....

AND PAUSE FOR A BIT, whilst we regroup and take a breath from the barrage:

His reply an hour later:

How's it going 'hammer time?'

To which I sweetly replied with:

Great, thanks for asking and attached a photo of me in said pants having changed into them at work as I was loving them that much!

His reply:

Have you got an 80's dress up party at work today?

My reply:

Nope it's called a 'wear whats currently in fashion and see how many nice comments you can get in one day' day today!

And FYI I've already had loads of nice comments.

I'm not seeing the similarities myself. I blimin like these pants.

Oh we are a right pair, we are sometimes. Real special like. Loving to niggle each other, taking advantage of the saying 'it takes two to tango'. But you know what?

We're also like peas and carrots (hmm, maybe not peas as Mark has never eaten peas since deliberating throwing them up when he was little and hasn't eaten them since). Let's rephrase that.

Most times we're like icecream in a cone. The perfect match. Thank goodness hey!

This post was brought to you by Meghan C Hammer (as I got called this afternoon).

p.s. Can't touch this.

1 comment :

Gail said...

Hahaha!!! I love the banter between you - my Mark and I are so the same!!
Go you - I've haven't gone there with Hammer time(yet!!)My sister wears them and pulls them off nicely!


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