17 August 2012

Things I'm Loving 17.8.12

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.

Last week, I had the unexpected treat of going on Noah's school trip to the ballet. Which I loved for 2 reasons. One, it coincided with my planned day off after the gastroscopy so I was able to say yes when his teacher asked for parent helpers, and two, I'd never been to the ballet!

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I loved it. The sets were cool, the costumes were lovely, and the dancing was fabulous. It was quite a long performance though, almost 2 hours once you include the 2 intermissions, and as you can imagine the five 6-year old boys I was looking after got ants in their pants towards the end.

Still, a lovely outing to be part of, and Noah was pretty chuffed to have his mum along!

Loving discovering free, simple and fun games for kids online. Have you heard of friv.com? There are hundreds of cool, and some old-skool games on here. Our current favourite is Fire Boy and Water Girl. It's a 2-person game and you have to work as a team to complete the levels. Quite fun and not too difficult for this less than co-ordinated gamer! Loving that my 6-year old was the one to tell me all about it - how techno savvy are the youth of today!

Here's a screenshot of Fireboy and Water Girl - I play as Water Girl and I can't touch any of the red fire, and I collect the blue diamonds. Noah plays Fire Boy and he has to collect the red diamonds, he can go across the red fire. We both have to avoid the green mud, collect as many diamonds as possible and make it safely to our doors on each level. This level was fun as we had to work together with the levers and pulley to make it through together.

Words with Friends
I'm also finding myself enjoying the Words with Friends game on the iPhone (basically Scrabble). Even more fun that I can play against far-flung family (Nic and Kim in Oz) and friends who I don't get to see often (Tracey & Tanya). And of course, I'm always open to new opponents ;-)

iPhone Screenshot 2

Someone's lost both their two front teeth, I can't believe that at age just turned 6 he's already lost 6 teeth! It's always a bit of a funny, gawky phase until the top ones grow back, but still....I'm loving this guy and his smile!

Man that's cold says Monkey
Love the brilliant facial expression of this brand new baby gorilla when the cold stethoscope touches its chest.

Here's how you can join in:

Link up below with your blog post telling us what you're loving, and grab the Things I'm Loving button below for your post too. Don't forget to share the love by visiting all the other lovelies who have joined in - the linky is open till same time next week!

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Catching the Magic said...

Oh love that gorilla pic!

Glad you had a lovely time seeing your first ballet (& the boys lasted - just) x

You are a good gamer getting in on it with your boys :-) my girls play it too - but I leave them to it! Tech savvy they are indeed.

That scrabble sure is good too - keeps me up too Kate in bed sometimes though - but at least I'm half awake when Dan makes it up! x

Jaz from Treacy Family said...

Oh I love your blog M!!

My kids would live on friv.com if I allowed it!

Have bril weekend xx

jacksta said...

wow the ballet. That is very cultured for 6 year olds alright!
I would love to go to one too one day.

Sophie Slim said...

That gorilla is freakin adorbs! Bah!

Hoping yoru gastroscopy went well and you enjoyed the ballet yourself! I've never been!


Miriam said...

Jealous of the ballet - the costumes look a.m.a.z.i.n.g x have a great weekend

Unknown said...

Wow, can't believe they took the kids to the ballet! Very cultured!

My boys love that website too.

Have you tried Scramble with friends on your phone? It's like boggle. That's my favourite one!

I've not been keeping up with all my blog reading over the summer, so sorry if you've already posted, but hope you are feeling better these days.


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